math magic money

Using Math Magic to Make Some Money This Summer

Tell your parents that, being the good child that you are, you have decided that you would like to wash the dishes each night after dinner.  You’d like to be paid a little for your services, but your wages are reasonable.  You’d like to be paid 1 cent the first night, 2 cents the second night, 4 cents the third night, etc.  We’ll try this for, say 30 days.  OK mom?

How much money do you think you will have earned after 30 days? 

As you can see below, after 30 days you will have earned over $10 million dollars!

Download this math magic trick so you can show it to your family.

When numbers double, they add up extremely quickly!  This is the power of exponential addition, and why if you start saving money when you are young, it will grow to be a lot of money when you are older.


Day             Pay

1                                            $.01

2                                           $.02

3                                           $.04

4                                           $.08

5                                           $.16

6                                           $.32

7                                           $.64

8                                           $1.28

9                                           $2.56

10                                          $5.12

11                                          $10.24

12                                          $20.48

13                                          $40.96

14                                          $81.92

15                                          $163.84

16                                          $327.68

17                                          $655.36

18                                          $1,310.72

19                                          $2,621.44

20                                          $5,242.88

21                                          $10,485.76

22                                          $20,971.52

23                                          $41,943.04

24                                          $83,866.08

25                                          $167,772.16

26                                          $335,544.32

27                                          $671,088.64

28                                          $1,342,177.28

29                                          $2,684,354.56

30                                          $5,368,709.12

Total           $10,737,418.23

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