Can You Solve This Magic Puzzle?
What gets larger, the more you take away?
What gets larger, the more you take away?
Can you draw 3 lines connecting the problem with its respective answer? But wait, I forgot one small detail: Your lines cannot cross. And they must all stay within the outer box. Can you solve this one?
Challenge: Can you arrange the letters of “new door” to form one word?
Tell your parents that, being the good child that you are, you have decided that you would like to wash the dishes each night after dinner. You’d like to be paid a little for your services, but your wages are reasonable. You’d like to be paid 1 cent the first night, 2 cents the second…
What gets wetter the more it dries?
Spring is coming! In honor of this, here is a gardening puzzler for you. How much dirt is there in a hole that is 2’x2’x2′?
The alphabet goes from A to Z. Can you think of a word that goes the opposite way–starts with Z and ends with A?
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