Summer Reading Puzzler
Challenge: Can you arrange the letters of “new door” to form one word?
Answer: one word
Answer: one word
This one will get your friends chuckling. They think it’s going to easy, but it turns out to be a bigger challenge than they exected!
A glass of water is on the table. “I am going to go out of the room”, you explain, “and I’ll bet the water will be gone before I walk back in.” Would you take this bet?
If not, learn how to do this, quicker than you can say “summer spending cash”!
There’s one number that equals something multiplied by itself, and something else cubed. Any idea what that special number is?
Introduce your mind-reading assistant. Send your assistant out of the room and ask a spectator to point to any of the summer activities on the below chart. Call your assistant in and she magically reveals the activity the spectator selected! Shoe Lace Weaving Finger NailFiling Flag Waving Basics Type Writer Maintenance Abra-Kid-Abra Camp Shaving for…
In honor of July 4th, here is a puzzler for you. Our nation has had a lot of birthdays. When counting, what is the first number you come to that contains the letter “a”?
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