Summer Puzzler
What gets wetter the more it dries?
Answer: A Towel!
Answer: A Towel!
Ready for a New Year’s Challenge? Can you figure out what this word puzzle is saying?
Challenge: Can you arrange the letters of “new door” to form one word?
In honor of July 4th, here is a puzzler for you. Our nation has had a lot of birthdays. When counting, what is the first number you come to that contains the letter “a”?
Santa needs your help! The 4 sides below–top, bottom, right, and left–each have 6 reindeer. Santa wants to move the 4 reindeer in the middle pen to the outer pens–and still have 6 reindeer on each side. Is this possible? Can you advise him how? This one is not easy. Did you get it?…
Take away six letters to find a great activity to do this summer. Can you figure out what it is?
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