Spelling Bee
Can you arrange the 9 letters of “EXTENSION” to spell 3 numbers? Each is less than 20. You may only use each letter once.
Can you arrange the 9 letters of “EXTENSION” to spell 3 numbers? Each is less than 20. You may only use each letter once.
Nitram and his mother, Mrs. Rendrag, did the dishes after dinner. “Now that we’re finished with the dishes,” Mrs. Rendrag said, “let’s do the STOP AND SNAP.” These words “stop” and “snap” don’t make sense. Can you make a simple letter change to figure out what she actually said? Can you do something similar to…
There’s one number that equals something multiplied by itself, and something else cubed. Any idea what that special number is?
Here’s a puzzler to warm you up on a chilly day. How much tea does the average size tea kettle hold?
I have a problem. I have 4 rows of 3 stamps, as you see in the picture. However, my stamp album only has room for 3 rows of 4 stamps. Life is challenging at times, isn’t it! Can you make 1 continuous tear along the perforations so theses stamps will fit in the album?
It’s back to school time, so here is an interesting literacy puzzler. What is unusual about these 3 sentences? Do you know what they are called? Both fickle dwarves jinx my pig quiz. Quick fox jumps nightly above wizard. Five quacking zephyrs jolt my wax bed.
What is the only 2-digit number where the product of its digits equals the sum of its digits? E.g. could it be 37? 3×7=21. 3+7=10. These don’t match, so it’s not 37. What is it then?
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