What if you could spell the name of a thought of card and arrive at that card? That this trick works for any named card amazes me! Sound intriguing?
Watch this.
Would you believe it if I told you that there is one number whose letters are in alphabetical order! When you have picked yourself up off the floor from the shock of that, can you tell me what number it is?
Read the following paragraph only once, counting the number of F’s in the paragraph. How many F’s are there? FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE-SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIF-IC STUDY COMBINED WITHTHE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS. Answer: Most will find 3 F’s. Few will find all 6!
Some men interpret nine memos.Too bad, I hid a boot.Madam, I’m Adam.A man, a plan, a canal – Panama!Doc note, I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod.
Sharpen your skills and wake up that brain from its summer slumber in time to go back to school. Try out this crossword puzzle of opposites! Fill in opposites to the above clues. Can you wind up with 4 words both horizontally & vertically?
Introduce your mind-reading assistant. Send your assistant out of the room and ask a spectator to point to any of the summer activities on the below chart. Call your assistant in and she magically reveals the activity the spectator selected! Shoe Lace Weaving Finger NailFiling Flag Waving Basics Type Writer Maintenance Abra-Kid-Abra Camp Shaving for…
Is this possible? Or have we lost our marbles?
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Webster Groves, MO 63119
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