Snowman Games for Preschoolers
So you are planning some snowman activities for your pre schoolers, and you would like some fun snowman games they can play. Here are 2 snowman games for preschoolers, a suggestion on how to kick off your snowman activities, and 3 snow book recommendations.
Snowman Games for Child Care Students
Indoor Snowball Fight
Get some white tissue paper. Cut the pieces in half. You’ll need some tables as well.
Have the kids ball up the paper into “snowballs”. Make forts by turning the tables on their sides. Let the kids throw snowballs back and forth. Simple and fun!
Snowball Relay Race
Place a bucket for each team about 20 feet away. Each team gets a pile of snowballs. You can use cotton balls, balled up white tissue paper, or Styrofoam balls. The snowballs need to go into the snowball bucket, so they don’t melt. One at a time, team members carry their snowball to the bucket, drop it in, then walk back. Then the next team member follows until all team members have deposited their snowball. If ou have, say, 3 snowballs per team member, then the teams repeat the rotation until all their snowballs have been put in the bucket. Or if that is to chaotic, you can just use 1 snowball per team members. No running. The team to finish first wins!
Intro to Snow Activities
To kick off your snowman activities, you might try something like this:
Who knows what snow is? It is water that falls from the sky that, in the cold, has turned to ice crystals. For snow to fall, the air has to be cold and there has to be water or moisture in the air. There have to be clouds to hold that water or moisture.
What happens to the snow when it hits the ground? If it’s cold enough, it will stay on the ground until it gets warmer and it melts. Have you ever played in the snow? Made a snowman? Today we’ll read about snow and snowmen, play a snowman game, make a snow craft, and enjoy a snowman snack!
Recommended Books about Snow and Snowmen
The Smiley Snowman by Christina Butler. 32 pages, 2010, Good Books. Several animal friends build a snowman in this hear-warming tale of friendship.
Snow is My Favorite and My Best by Lauren Child, 32 pages, 2006, Dial. I wish it would be winter all the time, wishes Lola.
Mama Will it Snow Tonight? by Nancy Carlstrom, 32 pages, 2009, Boyds Mill. A story of 3 moms whose kids are eager for winter to arrive.
Frosty the Snowman Show for Preschoolers

Cap off your snow programming with Frosty’s Birthday Show! It’s a magic show about getting ready for Frosty’s birthday. At the end, Frosty himself arrives to meet and greet your kids! Here is more info on our Frosty’s Birthday Show
The Storytime Handbook
Thanks for The Storytime Handbook by Nina Schatzkamer Miller for much of the info in this post. It is a great resource for planning events for young children. More info at