
Can you solve these challenging puzzlers?

1.  How much tea is in the average size tea kettle?
2.  What gets wetter as it dries?
3.  How far can a dog run into the woods?
4.  How many animals of each kind did Moses bring aboard the ark?
5.  The letters of what number, 1-50, are in alphabetical order?
6.  What number’s letters are in reverse alphabetical order?
7.  Ed had 5 apples and ate all but 3.  How many did he have left?
8.  “King, are you sorry you are King?”  What’s unusual about this sentence?
9.  The letter that comes right after AB in the alphabet is E.  How so?
10. How do you make a pear disappear?

Answers to Puzzlers

1.  How much tea is in the average size tea kettle?   None, there is water in a tea kettle, not tea!  
2.  What gets wetter as it dries?   A towel.
3.  How far can a dog run into the woods?   Halfway.  After that it is running out of the woods!
4.  How many animals of each kind did Moses bring aboard the ark?   0.  Noah brought the animals aboard the ark, not Moses!
5.  The letters of what number, 1-50, are in alphabetical order?   forty
6.  What number’s letters are in reverse alphabetical order?     one
7.  Ed had 5 apples and ate all but 3.  How many did he have left?   3!
8.  “King, are you sorry you are King?”  What’s unusual about this sentence?   It’s a palindrone–it reads the same forward as backward.
9.  The letter that comes right after AB in the alphabet is E.  How so?   In the word “alphabet” “e” follows “ab”!
10. How do you make a pear disappear?   To “pear”, append in front “disap”!

Wuzzles–What are these saying?

wordle game show example 2
wordle game show example 1
wordle game show example 3

Answers to Wuzzles

1.  sidewalk     2.  good afternoon     3.  cotton candy     4.  cheer up     5.  leftover pizza     6.  pain in the neck     7.  best friends forever     8.  read between the lines     9.  look both ways before crossing the street     10.  last but not least.

More Puzzlers

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You might also check out our magic camps St. Louis.  Almost each day we do puzzlers of some sort.  After all, magicians need to be good at out-of-the-box thinking!