Princess Party at Abra-Kid-Abra Pricing

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In consideration of being allowed to participate on the inflatables at Abra-Kid-Abra (hereby called “Abra”), the undersigned, on his or her own behalf and on behalf of the minor identified below, acknowledges, appreciates and agrees that:
1. Inflatables can be hazardous and dangerous. Activities require strenuous exercise and various degrees of skill and expertise. I understand that these activities can result in serious injury to the person or child. I assume any and all risk of damage or injury while at Abra.

2. I’m aware of the risk, hazards & danger of personal injury, disability and/or death as a result of participation on inflatables at Abra.
3. In consideration for the admission of my child, I hereby release, waive and forever discharge and covenant not to sue Jeff Lefton Promotions, Inc. d/b/a Abra-Kid-Abra and its owners, agents, employees, officers, directors, trustees, and all other persons or entities acting on its behalf, from any and all claims, actions, damage liability, cost or expense including attorneys fees which are related to or arise out of or in any way connected to my child’s participation or use of the facility.
4. By the execution of this agreement, it is my intention to assume all risk of injury and do hereby surrender and waive any rights to sue or exercise any legal right to seek damages against Jeff Lefton Promotions, Inc. d/b/a Abra-Kid-Abra, its owners, agents, employees, officers, directors, and/or all other persons or entities acting on its behalf.
5. I acknowledge that my or my child’s participation in inflatables at Abra is strictly voluntary. I hereby certify that I’m over 18 years of age, I have carefully read the foregoing covenant not to sue and acknowledge that I understand and I agree to all of the above terms and conditions. Prior to signing this agreement, I have had an opportunity to ask any and all questions. I am aware that by signing this agreement, I assume all risks and waive and release all substantial rights that I may have and possess.

Abra-Kid-Abra Permission Slip

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