Mischief Joke Kit

Mischief Kit

Are you a practical joker?  This joke kit contains 15 great gags!  A lot of laughs are ahead when you pull these gags on your friends and family!  Includes the brain cleaner, a realistic-looking cockroach, vampire fangs, cobra eggs, horror finger, and many more!  Plus a booklet with 50 more gags & tricks!  A lot of mischief packed into one kit!  $15.

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314-961-6912 or
888-963-ABRA (2272)
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803 Lafayette Ave.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Bringing Out the STAR in Kids!

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Sarah had a lot of fun. Every evening she was very excited to show us what she had learned.
Westridge Elementary

Our scouts and their families really enjoyed the session. The curiosity, awe, and excitement among the kids was just the best ☺Kay Sisk, Pack 914
Sara Murdock

This was absolutely the best birthday party we’ve ever had. I would recommend Abra-kid-abra without hesitation.
Sara Murdock

Jack said “Mom, you finally found a great camp for me that I LOVE!”
Des Peres

The best birthday party they ever went to. Awesome!!
Mrs. Bluestone