Magic Mystery Camp St. Louis

What is Magic Mystery Camp St. Louis? It’s a…

Drama Camp St. Louis

magic mystery camp

Campers write their own mystery play—or drama. They rehearse it and perform it for their families the last day. The audience has to figure out who did it? This camp was designed by Abra=Kid-Abra’s Howie Hirshfield, a longtime mystery theater actor and writer, who wanted to bring the fun of drama camp to the St. Louis summer camp scene.

It’s an…

Acting Camp St. Louis

Magical Mystery Theater is definitely an acting camp. Campers create their characters, and learn drama techniques for portraying them. Campers learn acting skills throughout the week as they rehearse their mystery play.

It’s a…

Theater Camp St. Louis

Magical Mystery Camp St. Louis is a theater camp. Campers learn theatrical techniques and experience the fun of theater. The campers enjoy starring in their theatrical production the last day. If your child enjoys theatrics, wants to try it, or has been to theater camp and wants to try something similar but different, magical mystery camp St. Louis is a great choice!

It’s a…

Magic Camp for Kids St. Louis

magic camp

Magical Mystery Camp St. Louis is part magic camp. Campers learn a variety of magic tricks they can perform for friends and family. The magic is woven in to their mystery performance.

Abra-Kid-Abra offers magic camps. How does this differ? Part of magic is theatrics, drama, stagecraft. Magical Mystery Camp provides an introduction the the drama aspect of magic.

So what is magical mystery camp? It’s a combination drama, theater, acting, and magic camp!

Magical Mystery Camp St. Louis Description

magic mystery camp

What do you get when you combine theater and magic into 1 camp? Introducing…Magical Mystery Camp! Your kids will learn new magic tricks each day, often treating their parents to a nightly show! Campers will weave their tricks into a mystery show, which they will create and perform the last day for their families!   In learning magic, theater, and improv, your kids will develop their presentation skills and confidence—while having a lot of fun in the process!.

Magic Mystery Camp St. Louis, MO, IL

We offer our magical mystery camp throughout the St. Louis metro area—in both Missouri and Illinois. Whether you live in Chesterfield or Bellleville, O’Fallon, MO or O’Fallon, IL, we have a magical mystery camp fairly close by.

Sort any column by clicking on its heading.
Date StartedDate EndingOrganizational Location
TimeCampCostContact PhoneRegistrationArea
6/05/2023 6/9/2023Abra-Kid-Abra (Webster)9:00am-3:00pmMagic--Pulling Rabbits From Hats$195314-961-6912Register HereCentral
6/12/20236/16/2023Abra-Kid-Abra (Webster)9:00am-3:00pmCircus$195314-961-6912Register HereCentral
6/19/20236/23/2023Abra-Kid-Abra 9:00am-3:00pmComedy/Balloons$195314-961-6912Register HereCentral
Abra-Kid-Abra (Webster)9:00am-3:00pmMagic Mystery$195314-961-6912Register HereCentral
7/10/237/14/2023Abra-Kid-Abra 9am-3pmLevitations and Animations$197/0E314-961-6912Register HereCentral
7/17/20237/21/2023Abra-Kid-Abra 9am-3pmAddra-Kid-Abra$197/0E314-961-6912Register HereCentral
7/24/20237/28/2023Abra-Kid-Abra (Webster)9am-3pmMagic to Amaze$197/OE314-961-6912Register Here
7/31/20238/4/2023Abra-Kid-Abra (Webster)9am-3pmCircus Camp II$197/OE314-961-6912Register Here
6/5/20236/8/2023Lewis & Clark Community College9:00am-NoonMagic: Pulling Rabbits from Hats$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
Lewis & Clark Community College9:00am-NoonBalloonatics$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
6/20/20236/23/2023Lewis & Clark Community College9:00am-NoonMagic--Story Magic$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
6/26/20236/29/2023Lewis & Clark Community College9:00am-NoonMathemagic$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
7/10/20237/13/2023Lewis & Clark Community College9:00am-NoonMagic--to Amaze$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
7/24/20237/27/2023Lewis & Clark Community College 9:00am-NoonSo You Want to Be a Magican$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
7/31/20238/3/2023Lewis & Clark Community College 9:00am-NoonMagic Mystery$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
6/5/20236/8/2023Lindbergh School District--Dressel Elementary9:00am-NoonMagic Mystery Camp$119314-729-2480Lindbergh RegistrationWest
6/12/20236/15/2023Lindbergh School District--Dressel Elementary9:00am-NoonBalloonatics$119314-729-2480Lindbergh RegistrationWest
6/26/20236/29/2023Lindbergh School District--Dressel Elementary9:00am-NoonAddra-Kid-Abra$119314-729-2480Lindbergh RegistrationWest
7/10/20237/13/2023Lindbergh School District--Dressel Elementary9:00am-NoonMagic Pulling Rabbits$119314-729-2480Lindbergh RegistrationWest
7/17/20237/20/2023Lindbergh School District--Dressel Elementary9:00am-NoonKids Comedy$119314-729-2480Lindbergh RegistrationWest
7/24/20237/27/2023Lindbergh School District--Dressel Elementary9:00am-NoonCircus Arts$119314-729-2480Lindbergh RegistrationWest
7/3/20237/6/2023Mehlville School District 9:00am-NoonComedy$65314-467-5280COMING SOONSouth
7/10/20237/13/2023Mehlville School District 9:00am-NoonBalloonatics$85314-467-5280Coming SoonSouth
7/17/20237/20/2023Mehlville School District 9:00am-NoonMagic--Story Magic$85314-467-5280Coming SoonSouth
7/24/20237/27/2023Mehlville School District 9:00am-NoonMagic Mysteries$85314-467-5280Coming Soon
6/15/2023St. Charles Community College9:00am-NoonMagic Camp$225636-922-8233Check this site to registerWest
6/26/20237/1/2023St. Charles Community College9:00am-4:00pmMathemagic$225636-922-8233Check this site to registerWest
7/10/20237/14/2023St. Charles Community College9:00am-4:00pmBalloonatics$149
636-922-8233Check this site to registerWest
7/24/20237/28/2023St. Charles Community College9:00am-4:00pmComedy Camp$149
636-922-8233Check this site to registerWest
8/7/20238/11/2023St. Charles Community College9:00am-4:00pmCircus Stars$225
636-922-8233Check this site to registerWest
6/19/20236/23/2023Washington City Parks Department9:00am-3:00pmMathe-E-Magics$85(636) 390-1080Registration Starts SoonFranklin County
7/24/20237/28/2023Kaskaskia College, Trenton9:00am-NoonMagic-Animals$100618-545-3475
7/31/20238/4/2023City of St. Ann9:00am-NoonMagic-Disappearing Ink$80314-429-4545
8/14/20238/21/2023City of St. Ann9:00am-NoonCircus Skills$80314-429-4545

Book Your Event Now!

Call Abra-Kid-Abra
314-961-6912 or
888-963-ABRA (2272)
Email us
803 Lafayette Ave.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Bringing Out the STAR in Kids!

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What They Say:

“They liked the whole magic mystery camp and would like to do it again next summer!”
Brentwood parent
“Norah was very excited and wanted to share what she learned each day. Magic mystery camp inspired creativity. There was something new every day!”
St. Joan of Arc parent
“Magic mystery camp was a great experience for my child. It was beyond the expectation!”
Community School parent
“I especially liked that the kids got to use their imagaination to make up the story.”
Shrewsbury parent