Magic Cake at Abra-Kid-Abra Birthday Party Place
At our birthday party place in St. Louis, we had a beautiful magic cake recently for Julia’s birthday party! If you’d like to know where to get one, contact us and I can get you the baker’s name.
At our birthday party place in St. Louis, we had a beautiful magic cake recently for Julia’s birthday party! If you’d like to know where to get one, contact us and I can get you the baker’s name.
To Open or Not To Open (Gifts at the Birthday Party)–That is the Question There are arguments for both sides of this issue. Some would say yes. Parents enjoy seeing the birthday child’s reaction to their gift, and get joy seeing the child delighted with their present. The kids may also enjoy seeing the gifts….
Looking for tips and ideas for your birthday party? Check out They offer lots of arts and crafts ideas for birthday parties, kids party games, birthday tips, ideas for birthday parties, and more. It’s icing on your cake!
These days many parties entail playing a sport, visiting an arcade, playing on inflatables, etc. None of these include a show (e.g. a magic show, circus show, ventriloquist show, etc.) We think a show adds a lot to a party. Here are 5 benefits of including a show in your kids party:
Should you serve cake before or after the entertainment at your child’s birthday party? I don’t know that a lot of sleep has been lost pondering this question, but a lot of parents do ask what we think on this issue. There are advantages to both ways. If you serve before the entertainment, if some…
It’s birthday party time and you’d like to do inflatables. Should you go to one of the jumping party places? Or should you rent a jumpy house? How do you choose? Here are some pros and cons of each option to help you have the best jump house party. Jumping birthday party place – Advantages: …
Here’s a great idea for a magic drink to add to your magic kids birthday party. Thanks to Connor and his mom for bringing this idea recently to our magic birthday party place in St. Louis. Pour a few drops of food coloring in an opaque cup. Put in some ice cubes to hide the…
803 Lafayette Ave.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
314-961-6912 or
888-963-ABRA (2272)
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