Learn Magic: Lighting Multiplication x 11
What’s 62 x 11? 11 x 43? Calculate these and many more instantly in your head!
Want to learn more amazing feats? Check out our winter break camps!
What’s 62 x 11? 11 x 43? Calculate these and many more instantly in your head!
Want to learn more amazing feats? Check out our winter break camps!
Summer is almost here, flowers are coming out. What a great time for you to create a flower out of a napkin! Learn this and you’ll be a big hit with mom, or the ladies in your life! Here’s how to do it:
Back in school, you’ll drop some jaws with this one!
April is Earth Day. Here’s a fun, Earth Day trick to intrigue your friends! Want to learn how you can do this? Do you like this and want to learn more? Check out our summer camps St. Louis. Magic camp, circus camp, math magic camp, and more–at a location near you!
This Halloween themed trick will leave your audiences howling! Challenge: Can you place 5 ghosts on top of 2 books so that each book has an odd number of ghosts on it? For this gag trick, you will need two books and five ghost images. Can you figure it out? Click below to see how…
A ghostly trick just in time for Halloween!
803 Lafayette Ave.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
314-961-6912 or
888-963-ABRA (2272)
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