Learn Magic: How to Bounce a Dinner Roll!
Master this one and get some laughs at the holiday dinner table!
Want to learn some more fun tricks and gags? Check out our winter break camps!
Master this one and get some laughs at the holiday dinner table!
Want to learn some more fun tricks and gags? Check out our winter break camps!
Learn how to do this magic trick yourself:
I have a special paper here that when you look at it, you will see upside down. Would you like to see it? You show it to them and they see upside down!
The Mind-Reading Shoe Here is a fun joke you can play on your friends.. Effect:Announce that you have psychic powers, and that you can foresee the future from the psychic vibes given off from a shoe!Borrow someone’s shoe. Hold it to your temple, concentrating. “You will be going on a short journey very soon.”Throw the…
Here is a quick-to-learn card trick with an engaging story. Enjoy performing this one!
Stun your audience–with just 1 coin!
Amaze your friends using only a single coin!
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Webster Groves, MO 63119
314-961-6912 or
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