Learn Magic: Do You Believe in Ghosts?
A ghostly trick just in time for Halloween!
Ready to learn to perform this?
Want to learn more magic? Join us for winter break camp!
A ghostly trick just in time for Halloween!
Ready to learn to perform this?
Want to learn more magic? Join us for winter break camp!
Make a silver ball float!
It’s back to school time. Here is a trick with a pencil and a coin with which to amaze your friends! Wand to learn to perform this? Would you like to learn more magic? We may be offering an after school magic class at your school! Call or email us to find out. 314-961-6912. If…
Your friends will be amazed by this trick with a double wow! Learn to perform this trick! Make your own version of this using unruled index cards. If you like this trick, check out our after school classes. Ask your school or us if any are scheduled this year at your school. If not, contact…
Amaze your friends using only a single coin!
What’s 62 x 11? 11 x 43? Calculate these and many more instantly in your head!
This card trick will become a favorite!
803 Lafayette Ave.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
314-961-6912 or
888-963-ABRA (2272)
© 2014-2025 Magician St. Louis | Abra-Kid-Abra