What is the largest number that can be made with 2 digits?
This one is trickier than you think!
Answer: 99 which = 387,420,489
Speaking of big, big fun is in store when you sign up for our winter break camps!
This one is trickier than you think!
Answer: 99 which = 387,420,489
Speaking of big, big fun is in store when you sign up for our winter break camps!
March is the month of Pi Day (3/14). So, what a great time for you to entertain friends and family with a little math magic! This one is funny as well as impressive. Want to perform this trick? Here’s how:
What’s 62 x 11? 11 x 43? Calculate these and many more instantly in your head!
Ask someone to jot their favorite book on a slip of paper, then cover it with their hand, so you can’t peek. With a little concentration, believe it or not, you can tell them what’s on the paper! How?
Is this possible? Or have we lost our marbles?
April is the 4th month, so a puzzle about 4’s seems appropriate. You can put the 4’s together however you’d like. And you can use any arithmetic operations: +, -, x, or /.
What gets wetter the more it dries?
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