Drug Awareness Assembly
Red Ribbon Week Assembly
Our Drug Awareness Assembly puts forth a power drug, alcohol, and smoking prevention message. To engage attention and get our message across memorably, we employ magic, comedy, audience interaction, and for younger children, a little puppetry. A study guide is included in our Red Ribbon Show to extend the learning into the classroom.
Winners Aren’t Users
October is Red Ribbon month. It used to be called Red Ribbon Week, but today, many schools have expanded it to a month. Red Ribbon Month was started in 1985 when a Drug Enforcement Administration agent was kidnapped and murdered in Mexico by a drug cartel. Today an estimated 80 million people participate in Red Ribbon activities annually.
Prevention of Drug Abuse
The threat of drugs and addiction is very real in many schools. Our Drug Awareness Show highlights the dangers of drugs and how addicting they can be. We teach students drug prevention, and how to avoid getting pressured into taking drugs. Some of the points in this wikihow.com article on How to Say No to Drugs are incorporated into our drug awareness assembly.
Alcohol Addiction and Alcohol Prevention
Our Red Ribbon Assembly impactfully conveys the dangers of alcohol to yourself and others. We teach students strategies for alcohol prevention.
Prevention of Smoking, and How to Quit Smoking
Our Red Ribbon Program highlights the dangers of smoking. We teach students smoking prevention–how to avoid peer pressure to try cigarettes. We also impart strategies to quit smoking if any have already started.
Building Self Esteem
Our Winners Aren’t Users drug awareness assembly helps build students’ self esteem. Low self esteem is a common reason why youth get involved with substances. By helping students feel better about themselves, we help them avoid the need to get involved with drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

Drug Awareness Assembly MO, IL and more
We perform our Red Ribbon Show for elementary and middle school students in MO and IL and IN. We also perform in KY and TN. And we enjoy traveling to IA and AR, and KS and OK. Or any other state that is willing to have us travel from St. Louis. Since we are centrally located, we can get to schools in Missouri and Illinois and neighboring states relatively quickly and economically.
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314-961-6912 or
888-963-ABRA (2272)
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803 Lafayette Ave.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Bringing Out the STAR in Kids!