My English teacher says that 5×6=8×4. How can that be true?
Answer: 5×6=30. 8×4=32 (thirty too!)
My English teacher says that 5×6=8×4. How can that be true?
Answer: 5×6=30. 8×4=32 (thirty too!)
Some men interpret nine memos.Too bad, I hid a boot.Madam, I’m Adam.A man, a plan, a canal – Panama!Doc note, I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod.
“When you drop a playing card on the table”, you demonstrate to a spectator, “it lands on 1 side or the other. Can you drop it, from a height of at least 1 foot, so it lands on its edge?”
Sounds impossible? Not for you! This one will take a little practice. Here is how:
Learn to perform this magic trick!
Year end is approaching. Time to get your records in order. Speaking of order, can you answer this: What is the only number whose letters are in alphabetical order?
Vanish a raft in this map of the Bermuda Triangle!
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