My English teacher says that 5×6=8×4. How can that be true?
Answer: 5×6=30. 8×4=32 (thirty too!)
My English teacher says that 5×6=8×4. How can that be true?
Answer: 5×6=30. 8×4=32 (thirty too!)
Sharpen your skills and wake up that brain from its summer slumber in time to go back to school. Try out this crossword puzzle of opposites! Fill in opposites to the above clues. Can you wind up with 4 words both horizontally & vertically?
Vanish a raft in this map of the Bermuda Triangle!
Learn to perform this magic trick!
This one is a favorite of mine. Two spectators each hold out any number of fingers on one of their hands. (E.g. one might put out 3 fingers and the other, 2.) A third spectator tells the magician, who is looking the other way, the total (in this example, 5). The magician immediately announces that…
In honor of July 4th, here is a puzzler for you. Our nation has had a lot of birthdays. When counting, what is the first number you come to that contains the letter “a”?
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