My English teacher says that 5×6=8×4. How can that be true?
Answer: 5×6=30. 8×4=32 (thirty too!)
My English teacher says that 5×6=8×4. How can that be true?
Answer: 5×6=30. 8×4=32 (thirty too!)
Here are your clues. If you get it right, there will be words formed not only in each row, but also in each column, and diagonal. A magic square crossword puzzle! Across:
Back to school time is coming, so how about a quick word puzzle? Can you think of a word with 3 u’s in it?
First, download the math quiz to use for your performance and then make sure to check out this comical trick!
You can combine the 9’s however you wish, and use whatever arithmetic symbols you’d like–+, -, x, /. Any ideas?
Sounds impossible? Not for you! This one will take a little practice. Here is how:
What is the only 2-digit number where the product of its digits equals the sum of its digits? E.g. could it be 37? 3×7=21. 3+7=10. These don’t match, so it’s not 37. What is it then?
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