Challenge: Can you draw 1 line to make this equation true? (Changing the equals sign to not equals is not permitted!)
Stumped? Here’s how.
Add a vertical line to 1 of the plus signs, changing it to a 4! Then you have 545+5=550.
Challenge: Can you draw 1 line to make this equation true? (Changing the equals sign to not equals is not permitted!)
Stumped? Here’s how.
Add a vertical line to 1 of the plus signs, changing it to a 4! Then you have 545+5=550.
Back in school, you’ll drop some jaws with this one!
Ask someone to name any card. Then you call Mr. Wizard on the phone, and he tells the person their thought-of card! How?
Can you solve this word puzzle? C A T_ _ __ _ _DOG Start with CAT. Change 1 letter in each step, changing it to a different word. E.g. you can put CAB in the first row of blanks. Whatever you put, it must be a word. Can you get to DOG in just 3…
April is the 4th month, so a puzzle about 4’s seems appropriate. You can put the 4’s together however you’d like. And you can use any arithmetic operations: +, -, x, or /.
I have a problem. I have 4 rows of 3 stamps, as you see in the picture. However, my stamp album only has room for 3 rows of 4 stamps. Life is challenging at times, isn’t it! Can you make 1 continuous tear along the perforations so theses stamps will fit in the album?
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