Magic Classes St. Louis
Looking for magic classes St. Louis for your elementary school child?

Our 6-8 week classes have 3 goals:
- Develop presentation skills in front of a group
- Build confidence
- Have fun!
Magic Classes St. Louis 2016-2017
We offer new magic classes each school year. This year our magic class is called…
Magic to Amaze Family, Friends & Pets!
- Poke a hole in your shirt–then instantly restore it!
- Vanish a card right out of someone’s hands!
- Divine which envelope holds the money!
Abra-Kid-Abra’s brand new class will teach magic your child can perform in the cafeteria, at the dinner table, or when out with family or friends! Your child will be the life of the party! In addition to the nightly show you’re likely to enjoy, students will star in a family show the last day. Goals are to develop presentation skills, build confidence, and have fun! K-5.
Magic Classes St. Louis, MO and IL

We provide our after school magic classes at elementary schools throughout the St. Louis area in both Missouri and Illinois. We can also provide our magic classes outside the St. Louis area. To find out if we have any magic classes scheduled at your child’s school, please call or email us. If we don’t, we’d be glad to try to start one there. Ask about how you can get free tuition if you help us get magic classes St. Louis started at your school!
Magic Classes as part of a Bigger After School Enrichment Program

Abra-Kid-Abra is part of a consortium of leading after school providers called ACES (After-school Collaborative Enrichment Services). ACES offers students a variety of after school enrichment experiences—fun science, art, lego engineering, magic, circus,… For more information, call or email us. Or check out our ACES website.
Learn Magic in Other Ways
In addition to magic classes St. Louis, we offer other ways for your child to learn magic:
Magic Camp

Learn magic during the summer, and sometimes during winter break as well at our magic camp! Magic camp tricks are all different from our after school classes.
Online Magic Shop

We offer a variety of magic kits, DVDs, and books for your child to learn magic. These make great holiday and birthday gifts as well!
Magic Blog

Learn magic for free by checking out our magic blog. Sign up for our free email newsletter to get free tricks each month.
Magic Clubs
The International Brotherhood of Magicians and the Society of American Magicians are clubs that can help your child learn magic as well.
Magic Convention
Magic conventions are a fun way to learn magic. They generally have evening magic shows with magicians from throughout the country that are often open to the public. In St. Louis we are fortunate to have the Midwest Magic Jubilee offered every summer.
Book Your Event Now!
Call Abra-Kid-Abra
314-961-6912 or
888-963-ABRA (2272)
Email us
803 Lafayette Ave.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Bringing Out the STAR in Kids!